Dear Colleague,
On December 18th and 19th, the hands-on course will take place at Amsterdam UMC, VU location, and the Amsterdam Skills Center.
If you are interested in participating, please send a message to: anouk@derksevents.nl
Kind regards,
Prof. Dr. J. Tuynman
Amsterdam UMC
Day 1 December 18 2024, Amsterdam UMC, Boelelaan ; 7th floor room 7a |
08h30 |
Welcome and course introduction, Prof.dr. Jurriaan Tuynman, surgeon Amsterdam UMC |
09h00 |
Live case; case presentation, Prof.dr. Jurriaan Tuynman, surgeon Amsterdam UMC |
09h30 |
Presentation CME and TME anatomy, Prof.dr. Jurriaan Tuynman, surgeon Amsterdam UMC |
10h00 |
Live surgery Prof.dr. Jurriaan Tuynman, surgeon, dr. Roel Hompes, surgeon Amsterdam UMC |
12h30 |
Lunch |
13h30 |
CME scientific background, dr. Joep Knol, surgeon Ziekenhuis-Oost Limburg |
14h15 |
CME steps in detail, Prof.dr. Jurriaan Tuynman, surgeon Amsterdam UMC |
14h45 |
TME anatomy and scientific background, dr. Joep Knol, surgeon Ziekenhuis-Oost Limburg |
15h30 |
TME steps in detail, Prof.dr. Jurriaan Tuynman, surgeon Amsterdam UMC |
16h30 |
Closure |
Day 2 December 19 2024 Amsterdam Skill center |
08h30 |
Start, welcome (faculty Prof.dr. Jurriaan Tuynman, surgeon Amsterdam UMC, dr. Joep Knol, surgeon Ziekenhuis-Oost Limburg, dr. Roel Hompes, surgeon Amsterdam UMC, dr. Wytze Lameris, surgeon Amsterdam UMC) |
08h40 |
Introduction right project ; optimizing every step and standardizing the procedure and anatomy (all faculty) |
09h30 |
Start hands-on ; two teams performing and two team observing; 2 stations (all faculty) |
12h30 |
Lunch |
13h15 |
Wrap up first session and steps of TME - dr. Roel Hompes, surgeon Amsterdam UMC |
13h45 |
Hands-on two teams performing 2 stations (all faculty |
16h |
Discussion and wrap up |
Accreditation will be requested from the Dutch Society of Surgery
Locatie & Route
Amsterdam UMC, locatie VUmc
De Boelelaan 1117
1081 HV Amsterdam
If you are interested in participating in the course, please send a message to: