Monday June 2, 2025 |
08:30 |
Opening |
08.40-09:10 |
Lecture: How to perform EUS and ERCP for bile duct stones |
09:10-10:10 |
Live Endoscopy |
10:10 |
Coffee break and visit exhibitors |
10:30-11:00 |
Lecture: Role of EUS in pancreatic cysts and screening |
11:00-12:00 |
Live Endoscopy |
12:05-12:35 |
Breakout session 1, 2 or 3 |
12:35-13:35 |
Lunch and visit exhibitors |
13:35-14:05 |
Lecture: Navigating the challenges of indeterminate biliary strictures |
14:05-15:05 |
Live Endoscopy |
15:05 |
Tea Break and visit exhibitors |
15:20-15:50 |
Breakout session 1, 2 or 3 |
15:50-16:20 |
Lecture: Optimal endoscopic drainage of distal malignant strictures |
16:20-16:50 |
Lecture: optimal (endoscopic) management of necrotizing pancreatitis |
Adjourn and drinks with the faculty |
Breakout sessions: 1 How to perform a textbook biliary canulation during ERCP 2 EUS guided biliary drainage tips and tricks 3 Role of endoscopy nurse during ERCP
Note: On the registration form you can indicate which breakout session you wish to attend each day. |
Tuesday June 3, 2025 |
08.30-09:00 |
Lecture: ERCP and EUS in altered anatomy |
09:00-10:00 |
Live Endoscopy |
10:00 |
Coffee break and visit exhibitors |
10:20-10:50 |
Lecture: How to achieve an over 90% yield of EUS FNA/FNB |
10:50-11:50 |
Live Endoscopy |
11:50-12:20 |
Breakout session 1, 2 or 3 |
12:20-13:30 |
Lunch and visit exhibitors |
13:30-13:50 |
Lecture: Malignant gastric outlet obstruction: Will EUS guided gastroenterostomy become the standard? |
13:50-14:50 |
Live Endoscopy |
14:50 |
Tea Break and visit exhibitors |
15:10-15:40 |
Breakout session 1, 2 or 3 |
15:45-16:15 |
Lecture: What do when all things go wrong (with videos) |
16:15-16:35 |
Lecture: Follow up of the cases |
Breakout sessions: 1 How to perform a complete EUS exam of the pancreas 2 EUS guided gastroenterostomy, tips and tricks 3 Role of endoscopy nurse during interventional EUS |
Note: On the registration form you can indicate which breakout session you wish to attend each day.
Co-organization: Amsterdam UMC, LUMC and Erasmus MC
Organizing committee: Akin Inderson, Pieter Jan de Jonge, Roy van Wanrooij and Rogier Voermans.
(Inter)national faculty: Gavin Johnson (Eng), Hannah van Malensteijn (Be), Manuel Perez-Miranda (Esp) and Paul Fockens (NL)

Accreditation is requested from:
- Dutch Society for Gastroenterology (MDL)
- Accreditation Bureau for Nurse Practitioners Register (VSR)
Van der Valk Hotel Amsterdam Zuidas
Tommaso Albinonistraat 200
1083 HM Amsterdam
The registration fee for attending 2 conference days, including coffee, tea, and lunch breaks, is for
Medical specialist: € 210,- incl. VAT
Medical residents and endoscopy nurses: € 125,- incl. VAT